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Ruby MongoDB Driver

Limit Server Execution Time

On this page

  • Overview
  • timeout_ms Option
  • Timeout Inheritance
  • Overrides
  • Transactions
  • Client Encryption
  • Cursors
  • Cursor Lifetime Mode
  • Cursor Iteration Mode
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to use the timeout_ms option to set a timeout for server operations.

When you use the Ruby driver to perform a server operation, you can limit the duration allowed for the server to finish the operation. To do so, specify a client-side operation timeout (CSOT). The timeout applies to all steps needed to complete the operation, including server selection, connection checkout, and server-side execution. If the timeout expires before the operation completes, the Ruby driver raises a timeout exception.

To specify a timeout when connecting to a MongoDB deployment, set the timeout_ms connection option to the timeout length in milliseconds. You can specify a timeout value in the following ways:

  • Pass the timeout_ms client option to the Mongo::Client constructor.

  • Pass the timeoutMS connection string option as a parameter to your connection string.

Select from the following tabs to view examples for how to use the timeout_ms client option or the timeoutMS connection string option to specify a timeout of 30 seconds:

uri = "<connection string>"
options = { timeout_ms: 30000 }
client =, options)
uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>?timeoutMS=30000"
client =

If you specify the timeout_ms option, the driver automatically applies the specified timeout for each server operation.


The timeout_ms connection option unifies most timeout related options. The following timeout options are deprecated:

  • socket_timeout

  • wait_queue_timeout

  • wtimeout

  • max_time_ms

  • max_commit_time_ms

The timeout_ms connection option takes precedence over these deprecated timeout options.

When you specify a timeout_ms option, the driver applies the timeout according to the same inheritance behaviors as the other Ruby driver options. The following table describes how the timeout value is inherited at each level:

Inheritance Description


Takes the highest precedence and overrides timeout_ms options set at any other level.


Takes precedence over timeout_ms set at the session, collection, database, or client level.


Applies to all transactions and operations within that session, unless the option is overridden by options set at those levels.


Applies to all sessions and operations within that database, unless the option is overridden by options set at those levels.


Applies to all sessions and operations on that collection, unless the option is overridden by options set at those levels.


Applies to all databases, collections, sessions, transactions, and operations within that client that do not otherwise specify timeout_ms.

To learn more about overriding the timeout option and setting other options, see the following Overrides section.

You can specify a timeout_ms option at the operation level to override the client-level configuration for a specific operation. This allows you to customize timeouts based on the needs of individual queries.

The following example demonstrates how an operation-level timeout_ms configuration can override a client-level timeout_ms configuration:

require 'mongo'
# Replace the placeholder with your connection string
uri = "<connection string>"
# Sets a client-level timeout configuration
options = { timeout_ms: 30000 }, options) do |client|
db = client.use('test-db')
collection = db[:test-collection]
# Performs a query with an operation-level timeout configuration,
# overriding the client-level configuration
docs = collection.find({}, timeout_ms: 10000).to_a
docs.each { |doc| puts doc }

You can set a timeout for transactions by using the default_timeout_ms client option.

When you create a new Mongo::Session instance to implement a transaction, you can set the default_timeout_ms client option to specify the timeout_ms values for the following methods:

If you do not specify default_timeout_ms, the driver uses the timeout_ms value set on the parent Mongo::Client.

You cannot override the timeout_ms value of the Mongo::Client for a call to start_session.

You can only set a timeout value for the start_transaction method by using the timeout_ms option.

You cannot override default_timeout_ms by setting the timeout_ms option on an operation in a transaction session provided by the with_transaction callback, or the driver throws an error.

When you use Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE), the driver uses the timeout_ms option to limit the time allowed for encryption and decryption operations.

If you specify the timeout_ms option when you construct a ClientEncryption instance, it controls the lifetime of all operations performed on that instance. If you do not provide timeout_ms, the instance inherits the timeout_ms setting from the Mongo::Client used in the ClientEncryption constructor.

If you set timeout_ms on both the client and directly in ClientEncryption, the value provided to ClientEncryption takes precedence.

Cursors offer configurable timeout settings when using the CSOT feature. You can adjust cursor handling by configuring either the cursor lifetime or cursor iteration mode if needed. To configure the mode, set the timeoutMode option to cursorLifetime, which is the default, or iteration.

The cursor lifetime mode uses timeout_ms to limit the entire lifetime of a cursor. In this mode, the initialization of the cursor and all subsequent calls to the cursor methods must complete within the limit specified by the timeout_ms option. All documents must be returned within this limit. Otherwise, the cursor's lifetime expires and a timeout error occurs.

When you close a cursor by calling the to_a or close method, the timeout resets to ensure server-side resources are cleaned up.

The following example shows how to set the timeout_ms option to ensure that the cursor is initialized and all documents are retrieved within 10 seconds:

docs = collection.find({}, timeout_ms:10000).to_a

The cursor iteration mode uses the timeout_ms option to limit each call to the try_next method. The timeout refreshes after each call completes. This is the default mode for all tailable cursors, such as the tailable cursors returned by the find method on capped collections or change streams.

The following code example iterates over documents in a sample collection by using an iterable cursor, and then fetches and logs the title information for each movie document:

cursor = collection.find()
cursor.each do |movie|
puts movie['title']

To learn more about using timeouts with the Ruby driver, see the following API documentation:


Configure TLS