MongoDB Ruby Driver
On this page
Welcome to the documentation site for the MongoDB Ruby Driver, the official MongoDB driver for Ruby applications.
Get Started
Learn how to install the driver, establish a connection to MongoDB, and begin working with data in the Get Started with the Ruby Driver tutorial.
Databases and Collections
Learn how to use the Ruby driver to work with MongoDB databases and collections in the Databases and Collections section.
Configure Operations on Replica Sets
Learn how to configure read and write operations on a replica set in the CRUD Operations on Replica Sets section.
Transform Your Data with Aggregation
Learn how to use the Ruby driver to perform aggregation operations in the Transform Your Data with Aggregation section.
Specialized Data Formats
Learn how to work with specialized data formats and custom types in the Data Formats section.
What's New
For a list of new features and changes in each version, see the What's New section.
Upgrade Driver Versions
Learn what changes you must make to your application to upgrade driver versions in the Upgrade Driver Versions section.
To learn about the versions of the MongoDB Server and the Ruby language that are compatible with each version of the Ruby driver, see the Compatibility section.
Developer Hub
The Developer Hub provides tutorials and social engagement for developers.
To ask questions and engage in discussions with fellow developers who use the Ruby driver, see the forums page.